Capa/kimono mutilposicion de malla y fleocos, una prenda versatil para conjuntar con cualquier tipo de vestidos de fiesta, suave y calentito para combatir el frio . La disponibilidad de los colores se acabará de confirmar una vez pasado el pedido a tienda, vía Whatsapp o através del pedido directo en la página web.
Estimado visitante, nuestra página es exclusivamente al por mayor, para visualizar los precios han de registrarse en el apartado “Registrar nueva cuenta profesional” para que podamos aprobarle la cuenta profesional.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.
Tell more about your product, care instructions, country of origin, manufacturer information, matching colors and accessories.